Likt tidigare tillfällen så genomfördes även en utvärdering med våra gäster från Tanzania för att höra vad som fungerade och vad vi kan tänka på framöver.
Tanzaniagästerna framförde att
-De föredrar att flyga via Uganda, trots att visum och pass måste fixas i Dar es Salaam
-Hela programmet var mycket bra. Mycket bättre än 2014 (enligt Cosmas)
-De var nöjda med besöket på Universitetsholmen även om de trott att det skulle handla om andra utbildningar (som sömnad och matlagning)
-De hade önskat att få komma ut till fler lektioner där de interagerar med elever. De uppskattade verkligen besöket i Ingrids klass.
-De uppskattar att få äta hemma hos våra elever
-Flickorna uppskattar att få bo hemma hos elever och de tycker inte att det är någon nackdel att få byta familj.
S:t Petri skolas samarbete med Hekima Girls Secondary School i Bukoba, Tanzania.
onsdag 2 maj 2018
Som avslutning på Hekima Girls Secondary School´s besök i Malmö samlades alla hemma hos rektor Eva Daun som förberett en välsmakande middag med tårta! Det här blev sista kvällen tillsammans med våra vänner från Hekima.
Förutom alla trevliga samtal så fick vi även lyssna till Alicia och Ritha som utan att tveka stämde upp i fantastisk sång. Efter middagen blev det återfärd till hotellet för packning och förberedelse inför hemresan med ett flyg att passa tidigt på morgonen.
Tankar och intryck från Alicia
It was mystery dream that I didn't think it would happen to be outside Tanzania. But these dreams happened even beyond my expectation that I even went outside Africa. I was very happy when I was told that I have been chosen by to represent Hekima in Sweden 2018 after the competition debate. I even saw days were slow since I couldn't wait anymore for the day to reach when I had to travel.
When I was on the plane I was first shocked during take-off but when we were already in the sky I got very used to the extent that during landing I thought it was just like jumping down to the ground from a hill.
I was impressed for almost everything but firstly it was an amazing welcome we got from S:t Petri students who came to Hekima for their diploma project as they stood on stairs with beautiful flowers and bracelets. We received warm hugs and shakes when we arrived. Inside there was music and bites as more students welcomed us. We actually felt that we were special and being loved, I shall never forget you.
Furthermore my great appreciation goes to the S:t Petri skola's staff, meaning all teachers, but also chefs. You really made our stay wonderful. We thank Mrs Eva Daun for the welcome party and Farewell dinner. May you always succeed in whatever you do.
I really loved Malmo city with beautiful buildings with nice flowers. I really loved it since buildings are well arranged. People obey road signs but are also very kind and lovely. I also was very impressed with the Arlov Norid Sugar in my trips because I got to know new things like production of sugar using beets as in Tanzania we use sugar canes.
I was really impressed with how historical artifacts are being conserved since I enjoyed the trip we had on monday where we visited at Ale Stenar but also the good trip we had when we visited the Malmo museer.
I would fill the book but because you did very many things for us which cannot all be expressed. I really thank also our hostfamilies as I lived to Ebba´s home and Sandra´s home. The families were kind and lovely to us as I had a new experience of horse riding at Sandra´s home and bicycle riding at Ebba´s. I shall always remember you all.
We shall tell Hekima all good we got from you. I also welcome you at Hekima.
Alicia Amos
It was mystery dream that I didn't think it would happen to be outside Tanzania. But these dreams happened even beyond my expectation that I even went outside Africa. I was very happy when I was told that I have been chosen by to represent Hekima in Sweden 2018 after the competition debate. I even saw days were slow since I couldn't wait anymore for the day to reach when I had to travel.
When I was on the plane I was first shocked during take-off but when we were already in the sky I got very used to the extent that during landing I thought it was just like jumping down to the ground from a hill.
I was impressed for almost everything but firstly it was an amazing welcome we got from S:t Petri students who came to Hekima for their diploma project as they stood on stairs with beautiful flowers and bracelets. We received warm hugs and shakes when we arrived. Inside there was music and bites as more students welcomed us. We actually felt that we were special and being loved, I shall never forget you.
Furthermore my great appreciation goes to the S:t Petri skola's staff, meaning all teachers, but also chefs. You really made our stay wonderful. We thank Mrs Eva Daun for the welcome party and Farewell dinner. May you always succeed in whatever you do.
I really loved Malmo city with beautiful buildings with nice flowers. I really loved it since buildings are well arranged. People obey road signs but are also very kind and lovely. I also was very impressed with the Arlov Norid Sugar in my trips because I got to know new things like production of sugar using beets as in Tanzania we use sugar canes.
I was really impressed with how historical artifacts are being conserved since I enjoyed the trip we had on monday where we visited at Ale Stenar but also the good trip we had when we visited the Malmo museer.
I would fill the book but because you did very many things for us which cannot all be expressed. I really thank also our hostfamilies as I lived to Ebba´s home and Sandra´s home. The families were kind and lovely to us as I had a new experience of horse riding at Sandra´s home and bicycle riding at Ebba´s. I shall always remember you all.
We shall tell Hekima all good we got from you. I also welcome you at Hekima.
Alicia Amos
Rithas intryck och erfarenheter
Our trip to Sweden began on Sunday at around 10am we boarded a bus to Kampala
at1.50. We arrived in Kampala at around 8pm. The next day we had a flight from
Entebbe airport to Amsterdam at 11.35pm. We arrived at Amsterdam and had another
flight to Copenhagen. We arrived at Copenhagen and we were welcomed by our
hosts. Then we had a train to Sweden-Malmö.
After the reception,we had to begin the project the next day.On the first day we
visited the local newspaper-Sydsvenskan publishing area where we got a chance to
have a presentation from our host then we went to the waste-energy industry -
SYSAV. We had a short tour around then a presentation from our host.
The next day Thursday we went to the Arlöv sugar factory processing sugar
products from raw sugar transported from another factory processing it from the
sugar beets. I was happy to be at AXIS the company supplying internet to my
school. It was nice to meet them.
On Friday I had some discussion with students about GENDER EQUALITY.
Then have some more time at a vocational training school teaching about electricity,
plumbing and nursing-for helping elderly. We had time to visit Lund cathedral and
Lund university in Lund on Saturday. I had mass at BUNKEFLO church and visit
the aquarium and the technological museum where I saw the earliest means of
transport and stuff in the museum and different species in the aquarium on Sunday.
On Monday I got a chance to visit different amcient areas. I went to the Ales
stones that are believed to sometimes determine the time in the years. They are in a
good order and make a ship shape. I also went to the big ancient rock known as
“Rock of axes” with some pictures of different drawings (axes, horses and human
being) believed to be drawn 3000 years ago. We also went through a forest called
Fyledalen. It´s a very big and natural forest.
My great thanks to S:t Petri Skola and the Hekima community.
Ritha Kamugisha
Exkursion - Heldag i Skåne
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